| Christmas Doggy Favorites Gift$116.67 (Suggested Retail Price: $139.99) Tell a friend Send your Christmas greeting to your favorite 4 legged furry friends with this holiday dog gift. A Christmas dog basket filled with everything a pup could love; let's see, there’s biscuits, biscuits, toys, biscuits, treats and yes even more biscuits! It’s a Christmas dog dream come true, except for that part of chasing Rudolph off the front lawn!
This Gift Includes:
- Cassidy's Gourmet Biscuit Mix 14 oz.
- Bone Shaped Cookie Cutter
- Moments Apple Ginger Bears 14 oz.
- Rabbit and Pumpkin Dog Treats 5 oz.
- Puppy Cake Banana Premium Cake Mix and Frosting
- Lucky Lickers Pumpkin with Cranberry Dog Treats 5 oz.
- Clubhouse Peanut Butter Biscuits Tin 12 oz.
- Invincible Penguin Plush Dog Toy 6.25" x 5"
- Captains Bell Rope Toy 1.75 x 14
- Kong SqueakAir Tennis ball
- Large Black Faux Leather Embossed Container
- Gift Size 14" X 8" X 16"
- Dim Weight 15 lbs. (15x15x11)